New Beginnings

"From small beginnings come great things"

It's been awhile since our last post, but we feel as if the garden blog needs some new attention. After the construction of Garden 2.0 ended, the blog fell into the background in our minds. So much has happened since our last post that it's hard to know where to start: saying goodbye to our beloved garden creators and continuing on with new management, a gardening course led by our own garden members, and a veggie stand on campus. We've had a fantastic year!

The rebirth of this blog originated with the idea of sharing our harvest dinner recipes with each other in a public place. We thought, let's make a blog for it! Eventually, it dawned on me... we already have a blog, so instead... let's keep it going!

Hey members: Have something you want to blog about? an experience you had in our community garden? a recipe you made for a harvest dinner this fall? Email and we'll post it for you!

Peace and new beginnings,